Where do you want to live? Somewhere cold
Do you want to live near where you are now? Nope
What kind of house/apartment do you want? A house in the country.
Do you want to have pets? Nope
What do you want to be doing?
With your career? Content with my career
With your social life?
With family? connected with family
Who do you want to be connected with?
Do you want to be close to your family? No
Do you want a network of friends that become like family? No
Do you want a Christian community? No
Do you want to get to know important people?
What do you want to be known for?
Accomplishments with home and family?
Accomplishments in a career?
A simple life or an adventurous one? simple life
I'd like to graduate from high school. Use what I learn in high school to find a career that I'm interested in. Maybe take online college courses.
I hope to meet people I enjoy spending time with. To joke and laugh at, I mean with. Maybe move to Alaska where it is cold and dark and there are no snakes. I'd like to live in a medium sized house. I don't want pets or children. I might want a roommate for the rent. MAYYYYYBE a cat one day. I really want a simple life.
Learn to manage my time. Graduate from high school. Learn to manage my anxiety about the future :( My anxiety of the future is my biggest opponent.
I will know I have made progress when I can think about the future without fear (or without crying). This exercise was grueling. It took a long time to get this done. I don't like to think about the future.